The first step to using NextFTC is installing it. There are two ways to install it.
Method 1: Quickstart Repo
This method is still in development
Method 2: Manually using Gradle
Installing NextFTC using Gradle is fairly simple. This tutorial assumes you are starting from an unmodified (or minimally modified) FtcRobotController project.
Step 1: Add the repositories
Open your build.dependencies.gradle
file. Inside, you should see two "blocks" of code. The top one is the repositories
block. Add the following lines to it:
maven { url = "" }
maven { url = "" } // Remove if you don't intend to use PedroPathing
maven { url = "" } // Remove if you don't intend to use the FTC Dashboard (required if using PedroPathing)
Step 2: Add the dependencies
Still in the build.dependencies.gradle
file, go to the dependencies
block. Add the following lines to the bottom:
implementation 'com.rowanmcalpin.nextftc:core:0.5.5-beta1'
implementation 'com.rowanmcalpin.nextftc:ftc:0.5.5-beta1'
implementation 'com.rowanmcalpin.nextftc:pedro:0.5.5-beta1' // Remove if you don't intend to use PedroPathing
implementation 'com.pedropathing:pedro:1.0.3' // Remove if you don't intend to use PedroPathing
implementation 'com.acmerobotics.dashboard:dashboard:0.4.16' // Remove if you don't intend to use the FTC Dashboard (required if using PedroPathing)
Step 3: Sync Gradle
Click the Sync Now
button that appeared as a banner at the top of your Gradle file.
You're good to go!